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We are drawn to the Western way of life.
Hermosa Handbags represent this independence,
authenticity and sense of freedom.
I personally make every product in my studio in Cave Creek, Arizona. Western artistry and craftsmanship are applied to high quality leathers by hand. Most leathers I use develop beautiful earthy tones over time and produce
the finest patinas with use and age.
A life of horses and Western traditions, a student of Art, Sculpture and Design, has led me to accomplish
The American Western Handbag Collection.
Hermosa Handbags.
Available for purchase in person every Friday
at the Carefree Farmer and Artisan Market in Carefree AZ,
in the beautiful gardens on Easy Street, near the Sundial.
Summer hours 8-11, winter 9-1
Another reason to love Fridays!

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